infinias Single Door Add Kit with HID Prox Reader

Overiview & Key Features
This Kit includes door hardware and accessories needed to add a single door to your network and deliver an effective, easy to install IP-based access control solution. The single door kit includes an infinias Ethernet-enabled single door controller, HID prox reader, mounting box, plus other needed accessories, so you can add a door to your network and get started with your IP-based access control solution quickly and easily.
The infinias Single Door Add Kit with HID Prox Reader includes needed door hardware and accessories to add a single door to your network and deliver an effective, easy to install IP-based access control solution. The single door kit includes an infinias Ethernet-enabled single door controller, HID prox reader, mounting box, plus other needed accessories, so you can add a door to your network and get started with your IP-based access control solution quickly and easily. Great for retrofit installations when existing door and locking hardware is not required.
3-state alarm monitoring and anti-passback for enhanced security.
Buffers up to 16,000 local events when disconnected from the host (so events are never lost).
Secure transmissions with end-to-end AES 128-bit encryption.